Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Big Boy Smiles

Early on Lincoln would smile often in his sleep. Some would say this was due to gas bubbles or something going on in his tummy. Others said he was just such a happy baby he would show that while sleeping. Either way I loved seeing this toothless grin. Most times instead of taking a nap myself while he slept I would just lay next to him and stare at him. How could I resist?

Then last week Lincoln started smiling for real. I mean smiles with his eyes open and looking at me (or in most cases, the camera). The hard thing is capturing these amazing smiles and not having a blurry picture. He's just so squirmy when happy, he won't sit still. Actually he's a squirmy baby most of the time when awake. Oh well, these smiles just melt my heart. Never stop Little Lincoln!

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