Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Billy Graham

Before this past weekend I didn't know much about Billy Graham. Now I know that he was a pretty amazing person. He devoted his life to something he believed so strongly about, spreading the word of God. Now if you're religious or not, I think his passion is impressive.

The Billy Graham Library (which was more like a museum with a book store) was very well done and very worth it. The grounds included the museum, his childhood home, a prayer garden and the grave of his wife, Ruth Bell Graham. It was so well kept, but it probably helped that it was a beautiful day too.

The tour walked you through Billy's life. When he realized what God was calling him to do with his life to how he spread the word of God all over the world. What amazed me the most were the people Bill worked with over the years. From presidents (he served as a spiritual advisor to almost every one since Harry Truman) to world leaders (he spoke at multiple crusades with a translator for the crowd to understand his teachings).

At the end of the tour there was a huge Thomas Kinkade mural. It took up a whole wall and was so colorful. It was beautiful. This picture doesn't show the whole mural and the color is a bit off, but you can get the idea of it.

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