Monday, March 26, 2012

Weekend Mashup

Sorry for the lack of posts last week... I had none. If you're reading this, thank you for sticking around. To be honest, it was quite a relief to take some time off. We had a lot going on last week, but unfortunately I can't share some of those "going-ons" quite yet.

There is an abundance of these colorful flowers around Charlotte. What are they?? I need to know so I can buy some to plant in the future. We saw them in this vibrant pink, a lighter pink and white. Just another reminder that Spring is here!

We had a visitor over the weekend. Joe's cousin is a cheerleader for Notre Dame and traveled to North Carolina for the women's NCAA basketball tournament. Joe's aunt flew into Charlotte to spend a day with us before heading to Raleigh to watch the games. It was great to have family in town again. We showed her around town while trying to avoid the rain.

While visiting, Joe's aunt introduced me to my new favorite beauty item. Have you heard of EOS lip balm? I guess I am behind the trend because these have been around for a little while. I love the shape of the lip balm, the fruity smell and how it makes my lips nice and smooth. Get yourself one at stores like ULTA or Walmart.

In humorous news... this little guy had a date with the vet this past week. He came home with the collar of shame. Lucky for him he's still super cute. I even get to meet him in less than a week!

Have a wonderful week!

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