Monday, May 21, 2012

Apology and House Pictures

Boy, oh boy, we have been very busy lately. I'm sorry for the lack of blog posts. I would have posted pictures earlier, but we've been without internet for the last two weeks. Now that I cleared the air, let me fill you in on what we have been busy with. 

Joe and I got all of our stuff moved into the new house two weeks ago. We knew it was going to be a challenge with just the two of us, but it went pretty smoothly. We had all weekend to get it done which was a huge help. Needless to say we were both pretty sore afterwards. Of course that was expected after a weekend of lifting, carrying and pulling large items. Surprisingly I had bruises all over. I kept finding them randomly… my legs, hips, arms. You name it! Just some battle wounds from a successful weekend I guess.  

Physical condition aside, we are both so happy to get into our new place. It’s amazing how much room we have and how little furniture we have to fill that space. We’ll accumulate furniture over time and take out time picking out what we need. We did purchase a new couch and ottoman that was delivered this past weekend. It’s great to have a brand new couch after using our old one for way too long. It was past its prime, but will work great for our bonus room (or Hawk Cave as we’ll so appropriately refer to it as).  

We have already taken advantage of our outdoor space. What a difference it makes having a door to the outside. I use to open windows in our apartment just to get some fresh air or feel like I could enjoy the nice weather. Now we get to walk outside, eat on the patio and truly enjoy it! We bought a lawn mower off Craig’s List before we moved into the house in anticipation of a large yard. We’ll definitely get some good use out of that bad boy this summer. 

We have started a mental list of projects we will tackle down the line. These include simple ones like painting, hanging pictures, spray painting brass fixtures. The list also includes one major job… remodeling the master bathroom. That will be a big project and not something we plan on tackling ourselves. Maybe sometime down the line we’ll get more serious about that though.  

So that was an update on our move, now I'm sure you'd like to actually see some pictures! I'm just going to throw them all at you without comments. I'm assuming you can tell what most of it is.

1 comment:

rlorsch said...

Beautiful!!! So excited for you!