Thursday, May 24, 2012

My Parent's Trip

The weekend after we moved into the house my parents drove down from Iowa to visit us and check out our new pad. We had such a fun time with them. Time always goes too fast!

My parents bought us a new grill as sort of a house warming gift. Unfortunately we don't own a car that's big enough to fit the fully assembled grill and our trunk also wasn't big enough to fit the box of grill parts. Always the problem solvers Joe and my dad took the pieces out of the box to get the grill to fit in the car. This meant assembling the grill on the patio while mom and I sat in the porch and snacked.

The finished product and what a beauty she is! It has already gotten used a lot. It's just natural to grill out when the weather is so nice.

We had a nice dinner at Upstream in the South Park are of Charlotte. We ate good food, drank local beer and laughed a lot.

We spent Sunday working in our backyard. The flower bed beside the patio was over grown with weeds. I mean this thing probably hadn't been touched for a couple years. Good news was the plants all looked in good shape so all we needed to do was weed in between. All four of us chipped in and got it done pretty quickly. We also moved some plants around and added some as well. The soil here is full of clay so it is not easy digging holes. You can tell Joe's working hard.

This is our finished product. Since the weekend my parents helped on this project we spent some more time weeding, added Preen to prevent new weeds and have made sure to water the plants well. If only I could remember what each one is named... I'm still working on that.

This is what I would call our "wooded" area behind the house. The sellers left some pots and benches for us. We transplanted some plants from this area and added to our flower bed.

Unfortunately our wooded area also has poison ivy. I'm glad my parents were able to point that out to us. Joe used some garden gloves to uproot the evil plant. Good news is no one was affected and broke out in hives or anything.

It was sad to see my parents leave, but I like to think that they had such a great time in North Carolina that they'll be back!

1 comment:

Abigail said...

How fun! Keep up the good work. I love these updates. And also glad to hear nobody got Poison Ivy! :)