Tuesday, June 25, 2013

S'mores Graham Krispie Treats

I wasn't quite sure what to call these. Technically they don't have Rice Krispie's in them so they shouldn't be Rice Krispie treats. On the flip side when you say Rice Kristpie treats, everyone kind of gets the idea and knows what to expect. Am I right? Well these are an awesome twist on that old favorite. Next time you get a hankering (yes that's a technical term) for something sweet and crunchy, try these!

S'mores Graham Krispie Treats
adapted from here

1 bag (10 oz) mini marshmallows
1 cup chocolate chips (plus more for topping)
1 box (12 oz) Golden Grahams cereal
3 tablespoons butter
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Spray a 9x9 or 9x13 pan with cooking spray, set aside. In a large non-stick pot heat the marshmallows and butter over medium heat until smooth. Stir in vanilla extract. Remove from heat and fold in Golden Grahams until mixed evenly. Add chocolate chips and mix a bit more. Spread evenly into pan and top with remaining chocolate chips. Press firmly into pan and let cool. Slice into squares and enjoy!

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