Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Weekly Pregnancy Update (27 Weeks)

This week marks my official entrance into the third trimester!! Oh boy, can you believe it? Part of me can believe it and part of me is having a hard time realizing this baby will be here soon.For the most part I'm just anxiously excited.

Week Number: 27 Weeks, 2 Days
Baby Size: Head of Cauliflower (16 inches and 2.5 pounds)
Sleep: I have been trying a few new sleeping tricks lately. I started with borrowing a body pillow from a coworker. That didn't quite cut it. The thing is huge and took up a quarter of our bed. It made it very difficult for both of us to have enough space to sleep comfortably. Now I've been trying a pillow between my knees to help alleviate strain on my hips. So far so good I'd say. I still get a little bit of pain in the middle of the night, but my mornings have been much better. I think I'll stick to this trick for a while.
Movement: Lots of it! Every day is so different with the kick pattern and amount of movement. I haven't been able to find much of a link between the time of day or foods I eat. I also think this baby has graduated from simple kicks and jabs to full out somersaults. This change of movement has taken some getting used to on my part, but I still love it!
Clothes: Getting dressed for work is becoming more and more challenging. I have to really think through what I'm going to wear and what will fit, comfortably. I think that last part is key, I might be able to wear something, but if it's not comfortable then I'm doomed for the day.
Symptoms: A few aches and pains here or there, but nothing major to complain about. I think I've mentioned this before, but Joe is there to help rub out my back if I get any pains. I also think riding the bike and going for walks has help this.

Best Moment of the Week: This is a twofold. First, I passed my glucose testing! That means to gestational diabetes for this gal. I visited the doctor last week to have the test done and my results came back this past Monday. The sugary drink that everyone warned me about was really not that bad. I wouldn't say I enjoyed it, but I'd compare it to Hi-C or some sort of sugary sports drink. Secondly, we took out infant CPR class this past weekend. Afterwards I think we're both more confident on handling a little life in case of an emergency. Of course if anything were to ever happen it would not be easy, but at least now we know the techniques and what to do to help.
Looking Forward To: Seeing my brother. One perk of my job is traveling to DC, where Scott lives. I don't travel often, maybe four times per year, so it's not a burden. Actually it turns out to be a great opportunity to pop in and have dinner with my big brother.

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