Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Weekly Pregnancy Update (29 Weeks)

Now that we've hit February this whole "due in April" concept is hitting home. Time is flying and I'm torn between anxious feelings of getting to meet our baby and enjoying pregnancy while I'm still pregnant. While uploading these pictures I took a look back at the early ones and wow, what a difference! Eventually I'll show them side by side for you. I can't believe how big of a difference there is. In other words, I can't believe how big my belly has grown! Actually I can look at it a different way... I can't believe how small I once was! Ha, that's pessimistic of me. There's plenty more growing still to come and I love it.

Week Number: 29 Weeks,2 Days
Baby Size: Butternut Squash (about 3 pounds and 17 inches)
Sleep: This is one area I've started to struggle with slowly. Every night is very different, but most nights lately have resulted in me waking often. Weather baby is moving around (see below because that movement didn't happen only during the day) or I'm rolling from side to side. Still a ways to go before the due date, I realize so I just keep a positive attitude that each night will be fine.
Movement: Oh boy I think our baby hit a growth spurt this week. It was two days ago that I didn't think baby slept one wink all day. Not only was it (almost) constant movement, it was strong movement! Some of those kicks were truly painful. I think we have a strong little one growing. I also think our baby has grown a lot lately because I can feel the hard spots in my belly where the baby is laying more often. I think the precious real estate in the womb is growing scarce. Of course this is all great news that our baby is developing and getting ready for the grand entrance!
Clothes: My wardrobe has slowly, but surely dwindled. There are still a few items I can still wear, but for the most part I've transitioned to the maternity clothes. Luckily we purchased a fair amount over the past few months to help. I really think the hard part about maternity clothes are picking out the outfit for work each day. When I'm at home I can easily find something to wear, but looking professional, yet being comfortable at work all day can be tricky.

Best Moment of the Week: As lame as it sounds there wasn't really any milestones or exciting events in the past week or two. Maybe my highlight was at work yesterday when I was helping greet guests in the hotel lobby. I had 3 or 4 guys come up to me and mention the pregnancy or congratulate me. I found it very touching, especially for guys to notice my belly and say something. It's safe to say there's no hiding this baby belly of mine any longer.
Looking Forward To: My baby shower! I just got the invite yesterday from my coworkers, it was so cute. I'm definitely saving it for the baby book.. It is so kind of them to throw me this party. I really shouldn't say it's my baby shower because it's definitely for Joe also. I work with a great group of gals (yes, the whole area sales team is female) and I'm so lucky that they want to host such a special party for us. Looking forward to February 22nd!

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