Thursday, February 20, 2014

Weekly Pregnancy Update (31 Weeks)

Just like my brother I'm in the 30's now (shout out to Scott who just turned 30 years old on Friday. Happy Birthday brother!) No, I'm not 30 years old yet, but instead I am 31 weeks pregnant. I'm right at that mark where no more traveling is allowed per my doctor. I guess I'll be staying put here in Charlotte until this little baby decides it's go time.

Unfortunately it has been a crazy busy week for Joe and I. We have yet to snap my weekly pregnancy pictures. Don't worry, we'll make sure to document something. I'm pretty sure we haven't sat at home one night this week to watch TV or eat ice cream. What a shame! I do, however, have these nice pictures I took a couple days ago. They will just have to do.

Week Number: 31 Weeks, 3 Days
Baby Size: Head of Lettuce (19 inches and 3.5 pounds)
Sleep: I have been winning the sleep game lately. I'm pleasantly surprised with how well I've been able to snooze. I got ride of the pillow I was testing between my knees (someone suggested this to help level out my hips). Instead I grabbed a small pillow to rest under my belly. When lying on my side it's the perfect size to support the extra weight. It is a regular occurrence, however, for baby to start moving right when I'm relaxed and close to snoozing. Luckily it doesn't bother me much, did I mention how good of a sleeper I was before getting pregnant? I'm the type that can basically sleep anywhere (car, plane, etc.) The other morning I woke up around 4:30 and rolled over. Baby took this as the perfect opportunity for a dance party. I kid you not this child would not stop moving and the kicks/jabs/head butts were fierce. I kind of enjoyed it.
Movement: I pretty much summed up the movement above. Now that room is getting more and more scarce and baby is building muscle along with fat I get a few good jabs each day. I've read a couple times recently that around this time I should start counting kicks. Different websites recommend laying down for one hour and counting movement to make sure and get to at least ten. Well, let's just say I haven't needed to count any kicks, they happen quite regularly. I take them all as a happy sign that baby is healthy and growing.
Symptoms: I have been fortunate enough not to swell at all. My wedding rings are still somewhat loose (I was worried I wouldn't be able to wear them by this point in pregnancy due to swelling. This is really just something I witnessed in other people though so I shouldn't automatically assume it happens to everyone). I have also avoided the dreaded heartburn which I hear can be brutal around now. I'm counting my blessings to be able to avoid some of the nasty pregnancy symptoms. On the other hand, I've seen one weird/odd change in my body. I hate to even bring this up, but I want to document my true pregnancy so here goes... I've grown more hair on my belly. There, I said it. I'm not proud of this one, but it's the pregnancy cards I was dealt. It kind of makes me laugh though. Now my fingers are crossed that this stops once baby arrives.
Belly Button: Mine is still an innie, but wow, does it stretch! I'm curious to see if I can keep this innie of mine throughout the entire pregnancy. I'll keep you updated.

Best Moment of the Week: I think the best thing recently is feeling completely content. Although there are still items on our baby-to-do list, I feel like we're sitting at a very good spot. I told Joe the other day that my feeling of anxiousness and excitement to meet our little one is definitely outweighing any possible fear of labor. I also asked him to snap me out of it if I ever bring up labor in a fearful way. I know there's nothing to be worried about.
Looking Forward To: Tonight I'm attending a breastfeeding class at Babies R Us. I'm pretty excited about it because the whole idea of breastfeeding is so foreign to me. I'm sure I will learn a ton and hopefully it all will come in handy later on. Oh also, I mentioned this already, but his coming weekend is the baby shower my coworkers are throwing for us! Again, I'm blown away by their kindness to do this for Joe and I. Really they're doing it for our little one and I'm sure they're all excited to meet our baby eventually.

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