Thursday, October 11, 2012

Bambi and Thumper

Saturday morning I woke up and for some odd reason wanted to open the blinds to look out into our backyard. I say this was odd because I've never done this before first thing in the morning. It was meant to be because when I peaked out I saw a deer chomping away at some food in our swing set area. I yelled at Joe and we sprinted down the stairs to get a better view. Then we spotted another one, we presume was the mother of the other deer. We probably watched and took pictures for about 10 minutes. They just ate, walked around our backyard and perked their ears every once in a while listening to something. We have heard from a neighbor that deer have been in the neighborhood before, but this was our first sighting. It was so cool!

Can you see the little bunny to the right of the deer? It was the funniest thing how this bunny seemed to want to play with the deer! I called him Thumper and seriously I wish I had a video of this little guy. He was almost teasing or daring the deer to chase him. Neither of the deer seemed interested at all, but I got a huge kick out of it.

Sorry mom, I'm not good at keeping plants alive...

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