Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Yes, you might think I have been MIA when in reality, life is a reality.

I have actually been traveling for about a week and a half for work. First to Myrtle Beach (rough, I know). You'd think we were laying on the beach while pretending to listen to our leader, guess again. I didn't even get to visit the beach, rather just get a glimpse in the distance. It was a great team meeting though, I met a lot of people from the Raleigh and South Carolina teams.

Second I spent a whole week in Newark, NJ. That was some intense sales training with Marriott Sales Managers from other regions. I met a lot of people from Miami, Boston, Philadelphia and New York. There were even a few that have the same position as me (mine is a bit of a unique position and there is only one per hotel). I loved being able to speak with them and learn about their hotel, but also exchanging best practices and great ideas.

Now I'm back home and was able to enjoy a great weekend with Joe. More on that this week!

And because no post is complete without at least one picture... here is one from the city I miss dearly.

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