Thursday, April 4, 2013

Chimney Rock

On our drive back to Charlotte from Asheville we had planned to take the "scenic route." To me all I knew that meant was some mountains and Lake Lure. Are you familiar with Lake Lure? Parts of the movie Dirty Dancing was filmed there. Are you familiar with Lake Lure now? Anyways, my aunt and uncle suggested we drive this route sometime because they really enjoyed it on their way back from Asheville back around Thanksgiving time.

Now that I've set the stage, let me tell you how we stumbled across a really cool state park and got a really good workout while there. I had heard of Chimney Rock, never really knew what it was. We were driving along, enjoying the winding road when Joe's dad pointed out an American flag up on top of a rock. We thought it was neat... little did we know we would actually be climbing to the top of that rock!!

So here is the view from the village of Chimney Rock. At this point we still didn't know what was in store for us that day.

Then we started putting two and two together and realized you could drive a good ways up the mountain to the Chimney Rock State Park.

Here's a better view where you can see the entrance and see the rock behind it. I get so creative with my picture taking sometimes. Pat on my back for this cool shot!

Once we parked the hike began. Getting closer!

If I remember correctly this picture was taken not quite all the way to the top. It was probably one of those "need a breather" type excuses to take a picture.

We made it! That is Lake Lure in the background. Are you familiar with Lake Lure? Oh nevermind...

If only the trees were green...

Great group shot. Julie and I both bought a picture frame from the Chimney Rock gift shop. I think this picture will make its way into the frame.

Still being creative... or should I say patriotic??

Thought we were done? Not so fast! There was still mountain to be climbed. In reality it wasn't climbing, but basically just stair stepping. For the record that is still a very good workout.

This is probably my favorite shot. I should mention that all these pictures were taken with my iPhone. I love that I can snap good quality pictures when I don't have my good camera handy.

Another group shot to end the adventure. We had such a great time with Joe's parents. Thank you both for visiting and come back soon!!

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