Thursday, November 14, 2013

Leaves Are Falling!

It's most definitely fall in the Carolinas. We woke up this past weekend to beautiful fall leaves and a nice haze to accompany them. This was the scene in our backyard.

Now I wish these leaves would stick around for a while with their colors. Most likely they'll all be down in a week or two. And you know what that means... lots of raking!

We actually woke up to a dusting of snow yesterday morning. We were surprised when we pulled out of the garage on our way to work and saw the white covering. It was still pretty dark out so there was no chance of taking a picture, but I guess I should say we weren't too surprised. It rained/sleeted on the ride home from work the night before, plus it was very cold! Thank goodness for a warm up this weekend, we're expected to hit 70 degrees on Sunday!

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