Monday, May 12, 2014

My First Mother's Day

Lincoln (and Joe) really know how to spoil this mom on her first Mother's Day. Truly it was such a great day because we spent it all together, but there were other reasons why it was so great. It started with Dunkin Donuts breakfast (in bed) and ended with sushi take out for dinner (haven't had sushi in over nine months and I think that was the one thing I truly missed eating while being pregnant... although I will say the urge to have a cold beer has hit now that the temps have risen). Here are a few pictures of our day...

After breakfast we started out with a family walk. We had to get it in during the morning hours, temps here in the south have been rising and we've had some warm days.

Then Lincoln got a bath. He's starting to actually like his baths! Well, maybe I should say he's beginning to not hate his baths. Maybe that's a better way to put it. This was the first one we've given him where he has screamed bloody murder. Either he's getting used to the idea or we're getting better at this bath thing. All parents have to learn, right?

We spent some time together on the floor. Lincoln has been working on his neck muscles and strengthening them. We like to do some tummy time with him when possible. He's going to be one strong boy!!

Those cheeks are plumping up nicely! Oh and those eyes... I'm so curious to know what eye color they will become and stay. Any guesses? Do you think this dark hazy blue color will stick? Or will he follow his mom and have hazel eyes. Maybe he'll take the more traditional route and have brown like his dad? So many people have told me he looks so much like Joe. Is it too much to ask that he has his mother's eye color??

Lincoln was fed for the first time via bottle. My lactation consultant told me to start pumping about a week ago and to start introducing a bottle to him this week. Slowly we've started to give him a bottle once a day. He took it down like a champ and daddy enjoyed being able to feed him for the first time too. Introducing the bottle now will help tremendously when he starts going to daycare. We have to make sure he can learn to survive without mommy (tear!)

And at the end of the day the little man was pooped. Actually he slept a lot of the day (of course after his bath and tummy time... I think we wore him out). He didn't end up sleeping like this, we did swaddle him. I just liked how he looked so small in his pack and play so I snapped the picture quick.

Joe and Lincoln made my first Mother's Day a very special one. Thank you to everyone else who was thinking of me and wished me a happy one. I'm one special lady!

1 comment:

Abigail said...

Awe! Happy Belated Mothers day. Looks like it was a spectacular day. You guys look so natural with him and he is DARLING. Seriously that complextion and dark hair is to die for. Give him a kiss from me :)