Monday, October 3, 2011

Baseball Season Is Over... For Me At Least

Baseball was pretty intense last week. We watched Wednesday night as the Braves blew their lead over the Phillies and lost the game in 13 innings. Good thing we're on the west coast. It wasn't very late here, but it was after midnight in Atlanta. This was the last game of regular season, but also the game that decided their playoff future. Not only did they blow this deciding game, the Braves also blew a 8.5 game lead in the wildcard in September. Long story short... the Braves should be in the playoffs right now and instead their season is done.

On a lighter note, we caught one of the last Giants games last week when they played the Rockies. Joe's work had tickets for everyone and had an extra so I joined. This game wasn't nearly as intense as the Braves game, neither team had a chance at the playoffs.

The stadium was still pretty packed. The Giants broke a season attendance record with over 3.3 attendees in one season! I'm pretty sure this all has to do with the fact that they won the World Series last year, but that's just a guess.
Although I won't be able to watch the Braves again until next season, it was fun to squeeze one more baseball game in. AT&T Park won't sit unused this fall though, all of the home Cal football games will be played here. We look forward to watching some of those!

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