Thursday, July 19, 2012

Oil Rubbed Bronze > Brass

We tackled a project this weekend that has been on our list since we moved in. Although we didn’t complete it, we got a really good head start. Almost all of our doors have brass knobs and hinges. To modernize this look we decided to spray paint them oil rubbed bronze. My dad had done this same treatment at my parents house and gave us some tips before we started.

We’ve had the spray paint in the garage for about a month now, but never had time to devote to the project. We bought the can from Wal-Mart for just a couple bucks. We only bought one can to test out before committing to more. Now we just need to pick up a few more cans to complete the project.

Between all the upstairs bedroom doors, closet doors and a couple downstairs we have 24 doors that need to be painted. That’s a whole heck of a lot of doors!!

We started by removing all the knobs and hinges. There was way more parts than I expected. About two doors in we remembered the power drill. Shame on us for doing more work than necessary. That thing was a huge help!

Isaac, our neighbor boy, was over helping us out for a bit. He was asking the typical Isaac questions: What are you doing? What’s that? Where are you going? I was out taking pictures so he wanted to see what they looked like on the camera. At least he approved, he told me he liked them. We didn’t want him outside with the painted pieces so I sent him home. He ran as fast as his little legs could go all the way to his back porch. It was so cute, he turned and waved before going inside.
We laid all the pieces out on cardboard in our backyard. It was easiest to stick the screws through the cardboard so they all were straight. The rest we painted, let dry, flipped and sprayed some more. Can you believe all of this came from one single door?
It was a very hot a humid afternoon, I think the high reached 95 that day. The paint wasn’t drying like we expected (probably from the heat) so we brought the pieces into the AC to complete dry. Good thing our dining room is completely empty, it served as a great spot to lay the cardboard. Oh and don’t worry, we laid more cardboard underneath so the screws wouldn’t scratch the floor.

It was a mixture of ants-in-our-pants and anxiousness to see a completed door, but we started assembling the door early evening. After dinner we finished putting together the rest. All in all we completed 7 of the 24 doors in one afternoon. We did inspect our completed knobs and hinges and learned a few angles we need to spray better next time.
What a difference this change makes in the house on such a small budget! Our plan is to complete more this next two weekends and get close to finishing all the doors soon. 

1 comment:

Deirdre said...

thanks for posting this! I'm gonna give this a try!