Thursday, October 25, 2012

First Complete Crochet Project

Put this one in the books. I have officially completed my very first crochet project. Granted, this took me probably about 2 years to finally get put together. In my defense we did move to San Francisco for six months and I did not bring any yarn with me. We had to pack light, all right?

Anyways, I promised Joe a Hawkeye blanket ever since I took that crochet class back in Des Moines. You can see below this blanket consists of 63 individually stitched granny squares which were then all stitched together. Can't say this will be my best work, but I think it's pretty darn good for a first try. Oh and I also told Joe I never plan on using black yarn again, that was a pain!

Thank you Joe for being my model.

I'm happy to say I've moved on to my next project and can't wait to share!


Abigail said...

Awesome job! I'm very impressed with this. Way to go.

rlorsch said...

How cool!!!