Tuesday, April 3, 2012

For The Bride-To-Be

Before my trip this past weekend (more on that later this week) I purchased a little gift for Amy. Since we were going to New York City to look for a wedding dress, I found this very appropriate for the weekend. I found these personalized hangers on Etsy and could not wait to get it ordered for Amy. It's hard to keep secrets like this, I get too excited!

I remember getting excited to change my last name before the wedding. It's special to change your last name after being known as another name for so many years. Although I'm probably still known by my maiden name by lots of friends back home, many of the friends I have today probably don't even know my maiden name!

I may not call myself Sara Will anymore, but I still am part of the Will family and I look forward to officially welcoming Amy to the clan:)

1 comment:

Abigail said...

So cute and thoughtful! Anxious to hear about your trip sometime ;)