Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I Gave In To Hunger

After hearing so many friends and co-workers talk about this so-called Hunger Games book, I finally gave in. For so long I heard people say "it was so good," "I'm addicted to this book," "I can't wait for the movie" and so on. To be honest I had no idea what the book was about. Once I started to see movie previews I got a better idea, but it was so far off what I expected.

Once I got my library card here in Charlotte (yes, I got that shortly after my drivers license) I looked up the wait list for this book and said forget it. Not only would I have to wait forever to actually get the book, then I would be rushed to actually finish it and return it. We were at Walmart this past weekend and I saw the book for only $6. I thought, why not, it's only $6! Let's just say I've hardly put it down since. Although it's a fairly short book and an easy read, I'm over half way through it already.

Have any of you read the book or seen the movie? Does the movie follow the book closely?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought the movie did a pretty good job of following the book.. just a few things as there are in many movies! I LOVED the first book.. however NOT so crazy about book three.. two was okay. I was the same way not being able to put the books down for a few days! Enjoy! :) ~Danica~