Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Scenes From Our Backyard

While Joe was at the office last weekend I worked in the backyard and tried to capture some of the finer details. Can you tell we really love our yard?

I picked basil leves to make more pesto. This time I made tomato and basil pizza... it was delicious!

Look how many basil leaves I picked... so fresh!

And look at the plant afterwards. There's still plenty of leaves left plus it's still growing like a weed.

I talk so much about our basil plants. Clearly they have taken over the herb pot, but I do have some other herbs. In the back we have rosemary and sage. Although I haven't used either of them yet. Do you have any great ideas??

I found another pleasant surprise in the back. This tree is much smaller, but I love the pop of color against all the green trees.

Here is the way back of our yard. The fence draws the property line.

We put up a bird feeder the weekend my parents visited. It took a while for any birds to come eat, but now we see them eating regularly. Please don't pay attendtion to the cob web above the feeder.

We're still trying to wrap our head around this area. I suppose you could call it the sitting area or relaxing area... I see myself doing neither here. This is where we spotted the poison ivy, remember? That had to go.

I do like some of the vines or plants covering the ground back here though. Those can stay.

Oh and there's some sort of berry growing back here too. We couldn't quite tell what they were, but just to be safe, we won't be eating any of them.

Then I made my way to our flower bed, but I had to watch out for this huge bumblebee. He really likes our purple flowers (sorry mom, I can't remember what you said this is called).

We have a few mums starting to bloom. When we moved in all of them still hadn't bloomed yet so we didn't know what colors they were going to be. We actually have a nice variety of purple, yellow and red.
That's a general tour of the happenings in our backyard.

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