Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Chilean Family

In high school I participated in a foreign exchange student program. It wasn't a full semester, but I got to spend about 10 great days in beautiful Chile. Here is me with my Chilean family back in 2004. I still have this picture framed... somewhere. I can't say all the pictures from past apartments have made it out of their boxes.

And here is my Chilean family now.

That's Vicente, Marielle (Jr.), Marielle and Eduardo. They took me in so many years ago and showed me a fabulous country and culture. They sent this new picture as a holiday greeting to friends and family. After receiving the email from the Bastas I had to look back at pictures from my trip. I also thought it would be something fun to share on the blog.

Here is most of the group just after arriving in Arica, Chile. There were only 4 students traveling (including me) plus our Spanish teacher. Small group, but easier to travel together. Yes, I do stand out in most pictures. Between my height and hair color, I was a bit of a spectacle.

We enjoyed days at the beach catching sun and jet skiing.

And nights eating pizza with weird toppings I had never tried before.

I attended class... that was entirely in Spanish.

And even tried on the school uniform.

Some sightseeing adventures included the rock with "bird shit" according to my host mom.

And a trip to the mountains.

Where a simple picture by the pool...

Turned into a fight to throw each other in. Nobody ended up in the pool that day, unfortunately.

In the end I made new friends...

... Lots of new friends.

The trip was life changing and one experience I'll never forget. Thanks to my wonderful host family!

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