Monday, March 3, 2014

A Home For Unwanted Adirondack Chairs

I'm about to blow your mind with a blog post that has nothing to do with babies! Well, besides the post about the snow in Charlotte a few weeks back, these non-baby related posts are few and far between. I apologize for those out there that are not interested in baby this and baby that. What can I say, babies have been on our brain lately.

This post is mainly about the great weather we had in Charlotte (hmmm, maybe this blog has become either a baby update or weather update. Lame!) During the week lately it hasn't been particularly nice (maybe high's in the mid 50's or so and rainy). Still, we can't complain about that because it could be worse... much worse. Yesterday was a gorgeous day, peaking out at 73 degrees or so. I sent this picture to my parents showing them the amazing temps. Then I felt bad because my dad responded by showing me that they were currently living in -4 degree temps. Ouch.

Anyways, back to the reason for this post. The nice weather game me a chance to get outside and snap a picture of our new additions to the back patio. Say hello to our new (and free) Adirondack chairs. My coworker and friend moved recently (tear, miss you Megan!) Joe and I helped them load the truck up about a week ago. Who am I kidding... Joe helped Pat carry the large items while Megan and I did a few small things in the house. Two pregnant ladies plus moving does not equal much help. Megan said they were going to get rid of these chairs unless we wanted them. Of course I wanted them! We struggled a bit to fit them inside our car, but it worked. Now they're hanging out on our back patio just waiting to get some use. The best part about them is they face due west so they'll be perfect for watching the sun set.

On the same weather-related note, we took advantage of the weather by sitting on the back porch furniture we both each other for Christmas. This was the first time we officially enjoying sitting out on the furniture and we can't wait for summer to arrive so we can sit out there more. It will also be a great place to be outside with a little one. Whoops, I somehow managed to bring the baby topic into this non-baby post. So be it!

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