Thursday, January 19, 2012

Move In Day

Did anyone watch the show Alcatraz on Fox? Joe and I DVR'ed the 2 hour season premiere and I'm hooked! If you missed it I recommend you watch the first episode on hulu or something and then start watching the rest of the season. It is fictional (and far-fetched at sometimes) but I love how they are in San Francisco and show parts of the city Joe and are familiar with.

Well our furniture, clothes, dishes, etc. arrived last Sunday. It has been a long time since we've had all of this stuff. When we moved to San Francisco last July we left it all in Iowa since our apartment in California was furnished. Plus it was easier to leave in Iowa and not move all the way to California.

Remember when our new apartment looked like this? Clean, open and bright. Just begging to be moved into.

Well this past weekend it looked like this. Cluttered, mess and dark.Ok, maybe it's still bright in here (we do have 6 windows!) Now the apartment is begging to be organized.

Don't worry though, we're well on our way to settling into the apartment. The dishes have been cleans and put in their place. Funny how I tend to put them all in the same cupboards they lived in while in our West Des Moines apartment.

We did actually pop some bubbly Sunday night to celebrate. It was kind of a big deal! In reality, we bought that champagne for New Years Eve. We ended up so tired that night we didn't even open it. I will make sure to point out that at least we stayed up until midnight!

Just wait until you see my new office. It's muuuuuuuuuuuch better! Hip Hip Hooray!!

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