Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Da Bears... In Charlotte!

This post is well overdue, but such is life right about now. Back in August the Chicago Bears played their first preseason game in Charlotte against the Panthers. Of course Joe and I were excited because it was an easy way for us to see them play. Even more exciting? They played the day of our anniversary. As soon as I saw the schedule come out I told Joe that would be our anniversary date. But wait, it gets even more exciting. The Bears team actually stayed at my hotel! 

The day of their arrival my job was to give the Owner, General Manager and Head Coach their key packet and ask if they would like assistance up to their rooms (suites of course). Mr. McCaskey was the one I ended up showing to his room and he was a very nice guy! The next day when the team was loading the bus to head to the stadium he actually walked over and said hello to Joe and I. He recognized me and remembered that the previous night I told him how big of a Bears fan my husband is. Joe and I were both in a slight state of shock I'd say.

Oh and my boss even let me wear this shirt underneath my suit the night of the team's arrival. I got a few good comments on it of course.

Here we are stopping on our way to the stadium to snap a picture. I was surprised by how many Bears fans there were around, especially for a Friday night game.

The sunset was gorgeous at the start of the game.

As you could expect with a preseason game, the starters did not play for long. We ended up leaving at half time to head home. It was an awesome experience and special for so many reasons!

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