Monday, October 21, 2013

We Officially Fall-ified

Do you remember our mysterious pumpkin eater last year?  Maybe this update will spark your memory too. Still don't quite know who the culprit was. Now that's it's fall again, it's time for more pumpkins. No, we haven't put any out on the door step, yet. We have officially decorated the inside of the house for fall though. I got my pumpkin candle out and instead of just placing it on the counter, I decided to fancy up our lantern.

We did buy a bag of small pumpkins at Costco the other weekend. I was so excited because they were only about $7 and we could scatter them throughout the house. The thing I like most about them is they're not all orange. Some are white with colored stripes. I love how they mix it up and look so cool together. Joe put a few up on our mantle and they look great. Oh and next to the pheasant feathers, the mantle screams fall.

Update: I took these pictures of the pumpkins about a week ago. I was so proud of the arrangements and loved the fall feel of the house. Not more than a week later they were all molding! I couldn't believe it. So much for those decorations, they were all thrown in the trash over the weekend. Seriously between our pumpkins that get eaten and the ones who decide they'd rather be rotten, we've struck out! But do not worry, I am not giving up!

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