Monday, October 28, 2013

Weekly Pregnancy Update (15 Weeks)

Another week has gone by, more pictures in the same dress were taken. I swear I don't even hang this dress in my closet any more, I just keep it downstairs for easy access.

Week Number: 15 weeks
Baby Size: Avocado (4-5 inches)
Movement: Still nothing, but I know it will happen soon and I'm super excited to feel our baby move around
Food Cravings: I don't think I've been craving anything crazy. Wonder if I ever will have true cravings?
Food Aversions: Can't really say there's much. I just find what sounds good to my body and eat that. Luckily there's plenty that I enjoy eating so I can get plenty of food.
Symptoms: I started getting a few dizzy spells recently, but other than that most of my symptoms have disappeared. Luckily I have some energy back and the headaches have stayed away (for the most part). I traveled for work this past week and everything was fine. The only thing I struggled with a bit was making sure to eat every few hours. It's not always easy when you're in meetings or not on your own schedule.

Best Moment Of The Week: Celebrating Joe's birthday.I pointed out the fact that this will be the last birthday celebration we have just the two of us. Days like that and other holidays (like Halloween) make me stop and say "wow, next year for this holiday we'll be a family of three." It's pretty exciting. I have to share the gift I bought Joe too. Of course my gift to him is really for our baby, however it's special to him. If you don't know, Joe is a huge Home Alone fan. You know those Christmas movies that are on TV every year. I don't blame him for wanting to watch it every time they're on, I like to also! Well I bought the onsie below just for him, a classic quote from the movie. Sorry the picture is so blurry.
Looking Forward To: Like I said earlier, I can't wait to feel the baby move.

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