Thursday, October 17, 2013

Weekly Pregnancy Update (13 Weeks)

Look at me, I'm already falling behind with these weekly updates. I'm thinking what I'll do is continue to take pictures each week, but maybe not post an actual update. I still want a good comparison once this journey is complete (or I should probably say once our next journey begins.) A lot of the info doesn't change much from week to week anyways. This week I'll still include info because my biggest accomplishment is finally entering into the second trimester. Yippee!!

Week number: 13 weeks, 3 days (hellllllo second trimester!)
Baby Size: Lemon
Sleep: Just fine lately, getting about 8 hours each night
Movement: Nothing
Food Cravings: Nothing significant
Symptoms: I believe everything I read and what people have told me is true, I feel a lot better now that I've moved into the second trimester. Of course I hope that trend continues more and more. I have not been sick, feel like I have more energy and get less headaches.

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