Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Weekly Pregnancy Update (12 Weeks)

Joe and  I decided it was time to officially start documenting the pregnancy. As you can probably guess I've been browsing Pinterest for a while for some great ideas. We decided on weekly (or biweekly, depending on how this goes) pictures in one same outfit plus some tidbits on my progression. I liked this idea because it should be easier to truly compare each week. So a little over a week ago I went online to buy a dress. Yes, that's right, I bought my first piece of maternity clothing! Small milestones like this make it all seem so real. I figured this type of outfit would look nice for the pictures and I can still wear it to work once I do start filling out. Dress is from Pink Blush Maternity.

Here goes our first pregnancy blog post! So far no one could guess I was with child. Just a little bit of a pooch, but nothing my normal clothing don't cover up. That's good news so far, because all my clothes fit just fine. No need to buy more maternity clothes... yet.

Week Number: 12 weeks, 2 days
Baby Size: Peach (3 inches long)
Sleep: Still sleeping pretty well. I do get up maybe twice a week to run to the restroom. Otherwise I wish I could sleep 10 hours each night. At least on the weekends Joe has been great and let me sleep up to 12 hours. Yes!
Movement: Nothing yet
Food Cravings: I don't know if I would consider any of these actual cravings, but bread and other carbs taste pretty good right now. This week the Chicken Pot Pies you throw in the microwave have been tasting extra good, but that could just be my tastes normally. Oh and we finally bought peanut butter and that taste delicious!
Food Aversions: This whole first trimester I have put up a big fight against vegetables.Will this ever change?
Symptoms: I'll just throw it out there, I burp and hiccup a lot. That is one symptom that none of my books have warned me about. It can be gross and uncomfortable at the same time. I will also say everyday is completely different. Some symptoms I feel one day might not appear the next. Otherwise the symptoms are pretty normal (growing pains, headaches, fatigue, etc.) I wouldn't necessarily classify my pregnancy as having true morning sickness, but there have been some days where I thought it would happen.
Belly Button: Still an "innie"!

Best Moment Of The Week: Receiving gifts in the mail from our great families and friends. Thank you all who have sent best wishes (and onsies) our way, we so appreciate it!
Looking Forward To: Getting over the first trimester hump and on to more energy, less headaches and no queasiness.

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