Monday, July 11, 2011

Giants vs. Mets

Let me say again that we had a really long day Saturday. I have a feeling most weekends will be pretty busy since we want to get in as many activities as possible when we have free time. After we went on the Alcatraz tour we walked towards Fisherman's Wharf and then back home. The problem with walking back home from there was the incredibly steep hills. Good thing we were both wearing our tennis shoes. We rested at home for about an hour before we walked the few blocks to AT&T Park. Luckily that was pretty close, I wasn't in the mood for much more walking!

Originally we were going to go to the Giants game on Sunday night, but figured we'd have time Saturday and then we could relax Sunday night. One thing I've observed so far in San Francisco is that there are a TON of people walking around in Giants gear. People here love that team. At the ballpark too, I've never seen so many home team outfits.

McCovey Cove

It would be awesome to see the Giants in the World Series again. Next time we go to a game, though,  I'll be better dressed. Our boxes of clothes arrived today so now we have more coats and sweatshirts and warmer clothes.

On a different note, let me just say there's no possibility of a good hair day in this city. I seriously can't walk anywhere without my hair flying in my face. I'm pretty sure my hair will be in a pony tail everyday.  Did people confuse San Francisco and Chicago when giving the "Windy City" nickname??

By the way, who watched the USA Women's Soccer game yesterday?! Joe and I were glued to the TV and cheered so loud when they won. I apologize to our neighbors. What an awesome win.

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